Can wind generated power contribute to the energy needs of the EU and promote greater energy and social security?
The Responsible Investment Bill was proposed by responsible investment charity ShareAction and presented to Members of Parliament on November 5th 2020.
Did you know: The UK is one of the largest producers of household e-waste in the world.
The UN Global Compact works to advance ten universal principles in areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
Have you got a taxonomy yet?
An assessment on the Global Reporting Initiative
Launched during Climate Week NYC 2014, this article assesses what RE100 is.
What's at stake here? What happens when we ignore transitions (particularly Just Transitions)?
What does it mean? How big is it (compared to others')? What can we do about reducing it?
Science-based targets are a set of goals developed by a business to provide it with a path to reduce a clear route to reduce greenhouse emmisions.
How can we think about matters of governance separate from environmental concerns?
Science, technology and the Future of the Planet
ESG and Profit: Discovering their relationship
What is the difference between a circular economy and a linear economy?
Is the S in ESG really so chaotic?
Who guards the guards?
The criteria for green concrete is that the materials used for making it should be sourced from sustainable 'green materials'.
According to 850 - Worldwide, the geothermal heating market is projected to grow by more that 40% by 2024.
And the future of the planet. "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down."
The two most important words in finance and business right now.
Rather than looking backwards at harm reduction/risk mitigation impact investing looks forward
In this briefing note we provide some brief guidance on measuring and demonstrating impact in investing.
How can selected SDG targets and their indicators be addressed?
Unraveling the relationship between ESG and SDGs and their current state of play
Over 2 billion people worldwide lack a safe supply of drinking water
Smart farming* is an emerging concept that refers to managing farms using technologies to increase the quantity and quality of products.
UK - based think tank that works to build a global movement of people committed to creating the pathways from poverty to prosperity.
Bedford Row Capital and Sustainability
An assessment on Sustainable and Green certification
Thank you Doctor, but I think I’ll ask for a second opinion
This is sheer madness and the EU is making it worse - much worse! Enough is enough.
International standards define Sustainable bonds asloans used to finance projects that bring clearenvironmental and social-economic benefits.
The Principles for Responsible Investment are a voluntary and aspirational, offering a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment practice
The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) is the UK's membership network for sustainable and responsible financial services.