Briefing note: SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation

Professor Kevin Haines
February 2022

The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals are broken down into 169 targets and 231 unique indicators. Although framed for governmental responses, many of these targets and indicators are readily applicable to companies – particularly those seeking to address (as many are) the SDGs as part of their wider ESG programme. In this series of Briefing Notes, Sustainable Capital will draw on examples from some of our clients to illustrate how selected SDG targets and indicators are being addressed.

Doing no harm is a central principle of sustainable business practices and is a core principle of the EU Taxonomy. SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation has a target (6.3) which states that:

“By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.”

The technology 850 is using is very well established and, thus, there is not anything new or challenging in the production process – it has been tried, tested and is trusted and it has been delivered many times without any issues. Technically speaking, 850 is producing hot water and not steam. These systems are low pressure and due to 850 operational excellence and expertise - they control and ensure 100% safe operations. Production process has no environmental impact and does not pollute the air. 

85° is working closely with SodM, the Dutch mining authority, to ensure double layer protection inside the Wells — to ensure that the hot water from deep wells does not mix with groundwater. 

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85 Degrees Renewable: “To leverage our significant expertise to drill or upgrade geothermal wells, providing direct and sustainable heating, which is affordable, sustainable and with minimal environmental impact” — Bart Duijndam, Founder and CEO

It is important to remember that not all SDGs and certainly not all targets and indicators are relevant to every company. Companies are, in fact, pretty much free to choose which of the SDGs, targets and indicators are most relevant to their activities – the important thing is to be clear about this. There is, however, one caveat, to wit, the SDGs, their targets and indicators cannot be offset: companies cannot offset one SDG against another. Honesty and integrity is, after all, a key element of the G in ESG.

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